Unlock the Mysteries of Samhain, A Deep Dive into the Witch's New Year!

Hi Reader,

Today the snow is falling and the world has turned white. I don't need to look at the calendar to know that Samhain is near. You can feel it in the air, the way the energy is just crackling around us.

With only a week to go, I have a brand new resource for you exploring the mysteries and magic of Samhain as we dive deep into the Witch's New Year. The veil is thin and it is time to prepare for this powerful sabbat!

The Mysteries and Magic of Samhain

What's Coming Up?

There is so much good stuff in the works here at Forging Magic! This week I am preparing two new resources for you including sharing a brand new tarot deck that just arrived in the mail plus a little kitchen magic where I will be sharing my Magical Mocha Brownie recipe. I made a batch to share with my fellow vendors at the Witchery Market this past weekend and I have had a lot of requests for the recipe, so that will be served up soon too! Plus, I am excited to share that the amazing Mystic Mermaid Jenny is back and ready to share her incredible knowledge. She will have new articles for you soon.

Wishing you a very blessed week!


Forging Magic - Find Magic Every Day!

Your resource for everything metaphysical and magical including tarot, crystals, manifestation, spirituality and ritual magick. Embracing nature and the cosmos, we share tools, resources, guidance and inspiration that are focused on caring for our planet, our community, our loved ones, and most of all, ourselves. We seek to find the magic in every day and live a blessed life.

Read more from Forging Magic - Find Magic Every Day!

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