For the Love of Mushrooms 🍄🍄🍄

Hi Reader!

Let's call today... Shelley's Mushroom Magic Madness Day! I admit it, I love to geek out about mushrooms. I have always been fascinated with mushrooms. I love studying the science behind mushrooms and how they connect through the mycelium network, and provide such a vital link in the never-ending cycle of life and death.

Plus the mythological and folklore of mushrooms throughout cultures and history. The power of fairy rings, cave drawings of mushroom men, the pop culture icon status of the Fly Agaric, and even the stories of the Viking Berserkers. It is completely fascinating to me!

Over time, I have been incorporating them more and more into my altars and I love nothing more than finding new mushrooms in the forest. Recently, I added some mushroom books to my magical library, plus this year the forests around me have been alive with a constantly changing treasure trove of different mushroom types. So I decided it was time to write up a piece on my magical buddies, the mushroom and share my geeky obsession!

Exploring the Magical and Mystical Mushroom

As a fun tidbit, all the photos in this article were taken by me during one of my forest bathing sessions. I didn't go looking for mushrooms, but that day they found me and brought me so much joy! I still smile every time I think of that day.

I hope you enjoy this piece and find some mushies on your next forest walk!



Forging Magic - Find Magic Every Day!

Your resource for everything metaphysical and magical including tarot, crystals, manifestation, spirituality and ritual magick. Embracing nature and the cosmos, we share tools, resources, guidance and inspiration that are focused on caring for our planet, our community, our loved ones, and most of all, ourselves. We seek to find the magic in every day and live a blessed life.

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