
Forging Magic - Find Magic Every Day!

Your resource for everything metaphysical and magical including tarot, crystals, manifestation, spirituality and ritual magick. Embracing nature and the cosmos, we share tools, resources, guidance and inspiration that are focused on caring for our planet, our community, our loved ones, and most of all, ourselves. We seek to find the magic in every day and live a blessed life.

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Unlock the Mysteries of Samhain, A Deep Dive into the Witch's New Year!

Hi Reader, Today the snow is falling and the world has turned white. I don't need to look at the calendar to know that Samhain is near. You can feel it in the air, the way the energy is just crackling around us. With only a week to go, I have a brand new resource for you exploring the mysteries and magic of Samhain as we dive deep into the Witch's New Year. The veil is thin and it is time to prepare for this powerful sabbat! The Mysteries and Magic of Samhain What's Coming Up? There is so...

Hi Reader, As blacksmiths who specialize in creating ritual tools we are often asked about the history of iron and magic, and how modern day practitioners can incorporate iron into their altars and spiritual practices. It is something I am very passionate about and I love spreading awareness around our beloved iron. Iron, Magic and Spirituality Blessings and wishing you a bountiful week! Shelley

Hi Reader, Tomorrow will be the Harvest Full Moon! Are you ready for it? Because this is some powerful energy and I don't know about you, but I am really feeling it! This will also be the last Supermoon of the year (love me a good Supermoon!), and it is the first full moon of Fall. So why are we all feeling so amped up right now? It is because this full moon is in Aries and with it's planetary ruler, Mars, it is bringing up all kinds of powerful, active energy! The Fall Equinox is a powerful...

Hi Reader! Let's call today... Shelley's Mushroom Magic Madness Day! I admit it, I love to geek out about mushrooms. I have always been fascinated with mushrooms. I love studying the science behind mushrooms and how they connect through the mycelium network, and provide such a vital link in the never-ending cycle of life and death. Plus the mythological and folklore of mushrooms throughout cultures and history. The power of fairy rings, cave drawings of mushroom men, the pop culture icon...

Hi Reader! If you have been around my site for a while, you know that I love the decks created by Three Trees Tarot. These include Oak, Ash & Thorn, and the gorgeous dragon deck, Smoke, Ash & Embers. This year they have released a new oracle deck, Thistledown. I almost missed the preorder window for this deck, but I snuck in and I am so happy it is finally here! I will do a review in a few weeks, but for now I have an unboxing video with my initial thoughts. Thistledown Oracle Unboxing Video...

Hi Reader, Today I have a new resource for you that is very special to me, a guide to Candle Magic. This was one of the first rituals I learned and throughout my life I have loved Candle Magic. From making my own candles, dressing candles, scribing, and more. There is something divine about working with wax, wick and flame that is simply pure magic. This guide covers: candle colors, making magic candles, how to pick the right candle, how to do a candle ritual, plus I share a couple of my...

Hi Reader, Pentacle vs Pentagram... do you know the difference? Visually it is pretty easy to tell the difference between these five point stars, but do you know the long history behind these popular and powerful symbols? Learn more about how these symbols have been used for thousands of years and across many cultures. Pentacle vs Pentagram Blessings, Shelley

Hi Reader Today we are exploring what it means to live a spiritual life. The path to being spiritual is deeply personal. Have you been searching for something greater? A way of living that brings you greater hope, peace, joy and prosperity? Many people live a spiritual life without religion. They may not believe in any one faith or deity, but still want to be as mindful and thoughtful as possible about their journey. Today we are exploring what it means to live a spiritual life and how you...

Hi Reader, Today I wanted to share with you a really beautiful tarot, Oak, Ash & Thorn. This tarot is filled with stunning artwork featuring an entire magical forest of creatures. This deck is the original tarot creation from Three Trees Tarot, who created one of my all time favourite tarot decks, Smoke, Ash & Embers, which was the successor to this deck, and which I will talk about in detail soon. For now though, prepare to entire the forest and soak of the wisdom, knowledge and guidance of...

Hi Reader, I really love Tarot. The artwork, the messages, the feeling of the shuffle and little thrill before I turn the cards... it is really something special. There is a unique energy and magic when working with tarot, so it only makes sense that Tarot Spells can be immensely powerful for manifestation, but also as a way to become more in tune with tarot. Explore our new resource on Tarot Spells, plus we have included a review of The Tarot Spellbook by Sam Magdaleno. I was very excited to...