The Harvest Full Moon is also the last Supermoon of the year

Hi Reader,

Tomorrow will be the Harvest Full Moon! Are you ready for it? Because this is some powerful energy and I don't know about you, but I am really feeling it! This will also be the last Supermoon of the year (love me a good Supermoon!), and it is the first full moon of Fall.

So why are we all feeling so amped up right now? It is because this full moon is in Aries and with it's planetary ruler, Mars, it is bringing up all kinds of powerful, active energy!

The Fall Equinox is a powerful time of change. For me this moment feels like I am at the top of a rollercoaster, and I know things are about to get crazy as the rest of our year is going to be filled with so much action and change. There is intense anticipation... and yes anxiety.

But I can also see the clear path laid out before me. I know where I am going. The way I am moving is undisputable, there is energy just thrumming under the surface, waiting to be released. There is no way to move but forward.

And all I can do is take this moment to take a deep breath, brace myself, and get ready for one heck of a ride!

Aries is calling on us to be open and ready for big changes with this full moon. With big changes can come big opportunities.

This full moon take time for reflection. I will be consulting my tarot cards, seeking guidance and insight. I shared a spread I did with my new oracle deck, Thistledown, as I was facing a big change and opportunity a few days ago. You can check out the results here.

I need to spend more time meditating and working with the cards.

Big things are coming and I want to be centered and very, very clear in my own mind and heart. I have a tendency to get really in my own way. Anxiety is a brutal travel partner, and I don't want to let it prevent me from enjoying this ride or miss an amazing opportunity.

During this full moon I invite you to also hit pause. Spend a few moments in meditation or breath work, consulting the cards, or creating a crystal grid. Life could get hectic soon, but by taking a few moments we can clear our heart, our mind, and our path so we can welcome opportunities as they come.

If you are planning to make moon water, prepare your vessel now. Ensure it is thoroughly cleaned and dried, so you can be prepared tomorrow for your ritual. You can also find my favourite Full Moon Rituals here for the big moon day.

This Super Harvest Full Moon is going to appear BIG and it is going to bring out all the BIG feels.

This full moon is teaching us that we can do hard things. We can do big things. We are enough. Opportunities await, make sure you are ready.

Blessings for a beautiful Harvest Full (Super!)Moon!

Forging Magic - Find Magic Every Day!

Your resource for everything metaphysical and magical including tarot, crystals, manifestation, spirituality and ritual magick. Embracing nature and the cosmos, we share tools, resources, guidance and inspiration that are focused on caring for our planet, our community, our loved ones, and most of all, ourselves. We seek to find the magic in every day and live a blessed life.

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